The frog: - Oh, it’s too
hard for me! It’s easier to eat them than to count them!
T: - Let’s count! Four
plus three is seven. Repeat! Four plus three is seven.
The frog: - Really? It’s
the nicest food for me?
T: - Our lesson is
over. Let’s play! It was the hardest day in my life!
All; - Relax! Relax!
We will study better next lesson. Let’s
2. Учитель говорит:
«Придумай другие задачи и переведи их
на английский язык. Нарисуй, пожалуйста,
картинки к задачам»/
3. «Напиши задачи цифрами
и скажи по-английски»
Учитель спрашивает
зайчика о цвете; он не знает и путает
цвета. Давайте возьмем зайчонка, и будем
T: - Bunny, could I ask
you? What color is the sky?
B: - I t’s red.
T: - Really? It’s
blue! Well, what color is the grass?
B: - I t’s black.
T: - No, it is not. It’s
green. What color is a fox?
B: - It’s grey.
T: - Oh, no it is not.
It’s red! You can’t tell one fr om another. You do not know any
colors! I will teach you to. Let’s take many colored cubes. What
color are they? We have a red cube and a black one, a blue cube and
green one, and brown one. I know the rhyme. Listen to me! (The
teacher shows the colors of cubes and says,
Red, red, touch your
Black, black, touch
your back;
Blue, blue, touch your
Green, green, touch
your chin;
Brown, brown, touch the
Let’s repeat this verse
again. Bunny, do you know the colors?
B: - Yes, I do.
T: - Remember all the
colors and name them in right way! Could I ask you? What color is the
sky? (The teacher asks the same questions, and a bunny asks right. )
T: - Good for you! You
know all colors!
2. We will draw a picture.
Let’s draw a boy’s head with red hair. Then we will draw a black
cat. Its back is black.